New fortnite season
New fortnite season

new fortnite season

Using the Bifrost rainbow bridge, Thor's ally Sif summoned the Marvel heroes you see in the image above. Though Thor had his memory wiped, he was still able to call for assistance as Galactus rapidly approached. Thor gave one last warning, but appeared to faint in mid-air, drop his hammer, and develop amnesia-except he remembers that the Fortnite characters just kicked his butt. Not exactly getting off on the right foot. Thor did his best to communicate with the residents (Brite Bomber, Jonesy, Raven, Peely, Lynx, and even Kit driving his little mech suit), but was summarily shot to a pulp.

new fortnite season

Surprise, surprise, Thor ended up in the world of Fortnite, smack dab in the middle of the battle royale island. Never one to pass up a good meal, Galactus flew towards it, prompting Thor to race him there to warn whoever lived in such a place. While on their way to planet two, Galactus and Thor spotted a bright rift releasing seemingly infinite amounts of energy. Thor and Galactus partnered up to find five planets that would give Galactus the power to defeat the Black Winter, and successfully evacuated one planet's populace. Thor, newly crowned king of Asgard, was minding his own business when Galactus, the planet-swallowing villain appeared and warned him of the approaching "Black Winter," AKA the death of all things.

New fortnite season